This post is about a week late, but I still want to get the sentiment recorded here. Leo was such a great traveller (i.e. sleeper) on our trip to Toronto a week ago that I was able to get more work done on the sweater I started last winter. He actually slept so much in the car that the knitting started to feel monotonous! Very exciting for anything non-baby-related to actually start to be boring. The pattern is Roheline from the lovely online magazine Twist Collective. The body is done up to the armpits (waiting to attach the sleeves and knit the yoke) and the sleeves are probably one third done (knitting them simultaneously with two double-pointed needles). I had hoped to finish before Leo was born... yeah, that's usually the way it goes.
Last week I met a mom with a son the same age as Leo and she mentioned she will be hosting a Stitch and Bitch group at a nearby yarn store this fall. I asked her with some amazement if she was able to knit with such a young baby and she said, "Oh, yes! I just sit him on my lap like this and he watches me." This blew me away. I felt better a bit later when I talked to my sister and she said that even if I could knit right now with Leo, in a couple months he would be grabbing at the needles and the yarn anyway.
I do appreciate hearing that someone *is* able to knit with a young baby because it plants the idea in my head and I might try it! And I'm also more encouraged to attend a knit group if I know there's another breastfeeding mom with a young baby there. So I don't know if posting about this project will give me motivation to keep trying to work on it here and there or if I'll just find myself looking back on this a year later with it still unfinished... but I love the sweater and I'm looking forward to wearing it.
In Leo news, he attended his first music festival this weekend! Unfortunately the weather was cold and windy (thanks to my mom for all the warm knitted goods that kept my baby warm!) and the music was so-so, but I'm glad we did it. Much more to come next summer, Leo!