Thursday, July 19, 2012

The beginning of transition

I just attended a yoga class and was dubious about the teacher. During the class he gave us a lecture on the importance of "super greens". When asked directly (there were only four attendees so the chatting got a little personal), I admitted that I had recently bought spirulina to feed my baby. I acknowledged I might eat some myself. Yoga Teacher then challenged us to guess his age, stating that if someone guessed right he would buy them a box of tea from the shop out front. This brought him a notch lower in my eyes - isn't yoga supposed to be about avoiding ego and not promoting it? 

But he said something during the class that I just loved. We were all standing at the top of our mats with hands in prayer position and Yoga Teacher said: There they were. Five olympians standing at the edge of their diving boards, about to twist through the air... I love it! The idea of us, together but separate, poised there and gathering what we needed to take the plunge. I don't think I've quite put my finger on what that brought up for me but it was a shining moment in my brain.

And now I (and my family) face many things that both thrill me and fill me with apprehension. It is time for this.

That is the big picture. The small picture: Leo doing some things he loves.

Riding the "El" in Chicago

Playing in the water in Millenium Park, Chicago