As Ze'ev described to a couple of our guests unfamiliar with the holiday of Purim: there was a good guy and a bad guy, the bad guy was an anti-Semite, he lost and now we eat cookies shaped like his ears.
I shouldn't be so dismissive, though. There are parts to this story and the traditions around celebrating it that I've really loved ever since my introduction to Purim through a Jewish Feminist Thought class in my undergrad.
It is the story of Esther and her role in preventing Haman from succeeding in his plan to kill her people, the Jews. I'm not going to get into the details, but I love two things in particular: that one part of the celebration is to drink enough so you can't tell the difference between Haman (bad guy) and Mordechai (good guy); and the importance of forgetting/remembering that runs through many Jewish holidays/traditions (as described in an article I still remember from that university class), in this case through using noisemakers to drown out Haman's name each time it is spoken when the story is retold on Purim.
And also, the cookies are delicious. (Ze'ev got creative and expanded from the traditional triangle shape.)
Ok, because I've been a bit vague about the thoughtful bits I like about this holiday, an excerpt from the article I mentioned for those who are interested...